Your entire marketing strategy depends on one crucial factor: Budget. Whether you are going for online marketing or offline marketing, budgeting plays a considerable role in the advertising process. The well-established brands have a dedicated marketing team to take care of budgeting needs, but start-ups or small brands struggle to run their ad campaigns in the budget.
Google is one of the most preferred platforms for running online ads, also known as Google Ads or PPC. Google is the largest search engine, with 2.5 million searches happening every second. Google Ads generates double revenue for every dollar spent. Some of the most outstanding features of Google Ads are:
There are no minimum budget criteria.
You can specify your target audience.
You will be charged when somebody clicks on your ads.
Google Ads works more efficiently than SEO.
Google Ads gives your precise data about your ad performance.
You don’t need to have a large budget for running ads on Google. You can reach your marketing goals in a small budget as well. In this article, we will mention some tips on how you can run your Google ads in the budget.
Set an objective for ads Before stepping into the world of online ads, set a clear purpose for running online ad campaigns? What are your campaign goals? How many conversions are you expecting? These questions will help you in determining your campaign objective, and it will drive maximum results. You can also go for a smart bidding option, where you can target specific keywords with a maximum budget.
Set keywords, ad groups, and location After setting an objective, start curating your campaigns with specific keywords, ad groups, and locations. Invest time in researching relevant keywords and in understanding your target audience. Being on a budget means you cannot afford to make errors in campaigns. You have to set everything right during the first time itself. The well-researched keywords strategy and setting your correct target audience will help you in getting expected results with minimum budget. Don’t compromise on quality Quality is the most critical factor when you are running Google ad campaigns on a low budget. Google Ads is a highly competitive segment where everyone is trying to make their ads appear on search engines. But, the one with the top-notch quality wins the race. Your ad should communicate a clear message of your brand, and it should have proper keywords. Google assesses your bid amount, quality of your landing pages, and usage of keywords and gives you a Quality Score out of 10. A higher score indicates better rank and better conversions. Use long-tail keywords Long-tail keywords enable you to target a specific segment of the audience, looking for precise results. Using a long-tail keyword allows you to target the audience, which is specifically looking for your product or services.
Optimize your landing page After clicking on your ad, the user is directed to your landing page. But what if your landing page took too much time to load on the user’s device. Here, your user will not wait much for your landing page to load and will exit. If any user is clicking on your ad expecting to purchase product A, but your landing page has product B, so in this case, your users will bounce. Not optimizing your landing pages will affect your Quality Score and your objective for running Google Ads.
Don’t over-do While setting your ads, you don’t need to focus on every single keyword or location. Target your ads on specific keywords and profitable demographics to get more results on a low budget.
Include automated features You can maximize your sales with Google’s automated features like Smart Bidding and Responsive Search Ads. These features automatically reduce your bid if your competitor is ahead of you and automatically increases the bid when you are standing out among your competitors. These automated features will make sure that you are making the most out of your investment.
Add extensions Extensions enable you to add your business location, phone numbers, products, and features in your ad copy. It allows the users to call you for any product or services directly.
Don’t forget to add negative keywords Negative keywords help you in making your ad more precise for your target audience. Sometimes, specific keywords focus on a broader audience. If you only sell male footwear, then adding negative keywords like “no female footwear,” can reduce irrelevant queries of users looking for female footwear. Adding some negative keywords helps you in refining your target audience more.
Know your analytics Your analytics will give you essential insights like which page is performing better, what kind of searches are being used by users, and more. Google Ad also provides information on changing statistics, changing costs, and CTRs. You can use this information to understand your ad’s performance better, and it can be used to create a better advertising experience next time. Conclusion There are so many advertising platforms available out there. But Google outstands every platform because of certain features like massive reach, presence of target audience, better targeting with keywords, demographics, and much more. Google Ads drive faster results than SEO. You can run Google Ads with ease because of the easy to understand format. But not every brand is capable of spending huge money on Google Ads. By incorporating these tips, you can efficiently run your Google Ad campaigns with a low budget.
Jackson Henry. I’m a writer living in USA. I am a fan of technology, arts, and reading. I’m also interested in writing and education. You can read my blog with a click on the button above.