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Things You May Have Overlooked in The Final Season of BoJack Horseman

BoJack Horseman surprisingly became a household name; the Netflix original animated series touched hearts all over the world. Historically, pop culture uses animated characters as the butt of the joke. But not BoJack. As we look back at the last and the best season the show had to offer, highlighted below are seven sneaky details that you might’ve missed while watching this epic finale season.

  1. The Reference to ‘Watchmen’

One of the early surprises is when we saw Mr. Peanutbutter change from the good old’ chirpy retriever to the “face of depression” as the meme “Sad Dog” was born. Eventually, he finds himself much closer to this meme than his older self. At one point, he told Princess Carolyn about a doctor who suggested that Mr. Peanutbutter check out his meme to cheer him up. (Oh, the irony) The joke was a reference to the classic graphic novel by Alan Moore, ‘Watchmen.’ Rorshach, a character from the novel, tells us the tale of a clown named Pagliacci whose doctor suggested him to catch the local clown perform to uplift his spirits, unaware that the clown was none but Pagliacci himself.

  • Tar Pit

Any of the last three episodes can act as the finale of the series. Pick anyone out of the three, and it would be just the right goodbye to this darkly-warming series. A black goat follows BoJack the whole episode. While we understand this goo as a visual representation of death, it could also refer to an older concept in the show. When Charlotte describes LA while talking to BoJack in New Mexico, she uses the word ‘Tarpit’, and how just by changing our location, we can’t change ourselves.

  • Rehashed Characters for Rehab

In the finale of the previous season, BoJack goes to Rehab to work on his addictions. This is followed in season 6 as well, where we see how BoJack looks inside to find his enemies rather than projecting them onto the world. And the Rehab has some of the characters from older seasons, who showed substance abuse symptoms at some point. We see Shitshow from Season 3 and Queen Antonia’s servant from Season 4. Sissy, who was the brother of Ralph Stilton, Princess Carolyn’s ex-beau, is also seen trying to rehabilitate himself, possibly from the cocaine addiction that runs in the family.

  • Narcissus

As if a match was made in heaven, BoJack is exhibit A for narcissism. He epitomizes the feeling of self-indulgence and never fails to see his part in everything around him. When he gifts Princess Carolyn a painting, he thought it was about him, although it is based on a real painting by David Hockney.

  • 17 Minutes

According to BoJack, he never hit rock bottom. But if someone were to guess, it had to be the death of Sarah Lyn. She was the closest thing he had to a connection, and she died right in his arms. What makes it more devastating was the disclosure that he waited 17 minutes before calling the paramedics, 17 crucial minutes that could’ve saved Sarah Lyn. And in “The view from halfway down,” BoJack is unsure of what is happening around him, why he’s seeing all his dead friends and family, until he realizes he’s drowning in his pool, exactly 17 minutes into the episode.

  • Fire flame

The show gives us as close to a happy ending as such a dark show could’ve. It can be compared to Breaking Bad and Dexter’s likes, where most of the audience agrees with the justice done to the lead character. BoJack did redeem himself at the end, a version of himself anyway. And similarly, a loose thread from the past, GinaCazador, who became the victim of BoJack’s aggressive-drugged-spree, is cast in a movie directed by Kelsey Jennings, which was a welcome surprise as we saw how other people in the industry started calling her ‘difficult’ while she was just traumatized.

  • Cabracadabra

A recurring theme was to try and bring about a valid solution to real-life problems and show how these could work. Cabracadabra was a company created by Todd and his high-school girlfriend, Emily, to help women feel safer while using cabs. First seen in Season 3, BoJack didn’t think it was going to be a good idea. But we see in the Season 6 episode, “The Kidney Stays in the Picture,” BoJack gets into a purple Cabracadabra and heads home.

Jackson Henry. I’m a writer living in USA. I am a fan of technology, arts, and reading. I’m also interested in writing and education. You can read my blog with a click on the button above.

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