Disney’s Tron franchise has commanded a huge fan base over the last few decades. The first film titled Tron released in 1982. The Steven Lisberger directorial introduced people to the programmed world “Grid” inside a mainframe computer and gained a cult status over the years. After 28 years, Disney released a sequel Tron: Legacy. The second installment also saw the makers bring back the grid to the silver screen.
According to reports, Disney was planning to make Tron 3 a couple of years back but shelved the plan due to unknown reasons. Rumors of the film going on floors were reignited when actor Jared Leto came on board. However, those plans also hit a roadblock with no reports on what was going to happen next for the film.
Tron 3 to Go Ahead with New Director On Board
According to reports, Disney has Tron 3 in the pipeline with a new face to direct the sci-fi film. Garth Davis will helm the third installment. In addition to this, the initial storyline of Tron 3 is being developed by Jesse Wigutow. However, the “upcoming” film project is still in the pre-production stage and will take quite a while to be released in cinema halls. Also, there is no official confirmation if characters from the first two movies will be back in Tron 3 or not.
Even if the script is ready and the cast is locked, there is no clarity on when the film will go into production. The reason behind this is the coronavirus pandemic. So, it could take a couple of months even before a trailer is released to offer us a glimpse of the ever-changing digital world of the grid.
Jared Leto Confirms His Involvement in Tron 3 Via Instagram Post
Rumors of the third film in the franchise have been floating around since 2017 since Jared Leto confirmed his involvement in the movie via a post on his official Instagram handle. Even though there was a gap of more than two decades between the first two films, there is still a section of fans waiting for the newest chapter in Disney’s cult classic franchise.
In his post on Instagram, Leto said that the video game and movie of the same name influenced his childhood to a great extent. He further added there was something special in store for all the fans and that the makers are working day and night to create a mind-blowing piece of work for the audience. He ended the caption with- “See you in the grid!”.
Tron: A 1982 Science Fiction Adventure
Tron is a 1982 science fiction action-adventure film directed by Steven Lisberger. The classic stars Jeffery Bridges as an American computer programmer Kevin Flynn who creates the GRID and eventually gets transported in the software of a mainframe computer. Flynn tries to escape from the grid, and this leads to him interacting with programs. However, he gets stuck in the programmed world for a lot of time. The ending of Tron sets up the base for Tron: Legacy. Jeffery Bridges played the role of a former game developer and programmer at ENCOM. He was also a proprietor of a video game arcade until he was zapped into the mainframe using a laser machine by a master control program.
Tron: Legacy
The story of the second installment revolves around Kevin Flynn’s son Sam. The young kid responds to a message by his father from a pager. This gets him all excited with the belief that his father was alive after all these years. He follows the cryptic message to his father’s gaming arcade and eventually discovers the master control program that sent his father to the “grid.” Unaware of what the machine does, Sam is also sent to the grid and goes on to find his father. The duo goes on a mission to escape virtual reality, but at the end of the movie, only Sam escapes with a program called Quorra back to earth. The film was directed by Joseph Kosinski and starred Garrett Hedlund as Sam Flynn and Olivia Wilde as the program Quorra.