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Disable Overtype in Google Sheets with these Steps


In this article, we have discussed how you can turn off Overtype in Google Sheets. While using Sheets for noting down your crucial information, Overtype might have annoyed you a certain number of times, and you would have faced difficulties in disabling it. So, we have come with ways by which you can do so. Other than restarting your PC, there is an easy way to turn off “Overtype.” So, let’s discuss it in detail.

Uses of the Overtype Function

The Overtype function is rarely used nowadays. There are only a few instances where this function comes into play. Suppose you have downloaded a document, and you see the ‘signed by _______” statement. So, using the overtype function, the existing characters can be replaced. This won’t affect the document’s overall look.

In case the option is not turned on, the line will extend by the characters you write. You will see a different layout, and also the document will not be uniform.

How to Turn off Overtype in Google Sheets?

You may often notice a new text appearing over the text you have already written on a Google Sheet. If you are a Microsoft Word user, it would probably be easy for you to turn off this option. To turn off this function in MS Word, you need to press the “Insert” button. You may find it adjacent to the ‘Backspace’ button, or it would probably be sharing the zero button. While you are in Google Sheets, this may not work. Well, you need to place your cursor in the cell. The “Insert” function may not work if the cursor is not in the cell and somewhere on the formula bar or menu. So, you need to follow the tactics mentioned above before you start panicking. Users often forget that this one simple trick can help resolve their annoying issue.

How to Turn off Overtype in Word?

You would rarely face any issue once you have learned how to disable the “Overtype” function in Sheets. However, you may encounter the same issue while you are using Word, so you should be aware of the steps to disable the Overtype function in Word.

If you are in MS Word, then simply pressing a button won’t work, and to disable Overtype, you will first have to enable a specific option. Below are the instructions regarding the same:

  1. First, open MS Word.

  2. Go to “File” from the menu above and further click on the “Options.”

  3. Then, press “Advanced.”

  4. Navigate to “Use the Insert key to control overtype mode” and tap on it to enable it.

  5. The “Insert” button will start functioning again once you have finished the steps as mentioned above.

How to Turn on the Overtype Feature?

You might want to turn on the overtype option at some instance in the future, and to find out how it gets turned on might be a good idea. Learning the concept behind it will help you figure out why the feature gets turned on accidentally. This happens because most individuals accidentally click on the “Insert” button, and the option then gets enabled. On most of the keyboards, the “Insert” button is very close to the ‘Backspace’ button, and this is why it gets pressed accidentally. In some keyboards, “Insert” shares the same button, with either Print Screen or Zero.

So, these were the details regarding how to turn off the Overtype function. Overtype may not always be useful. Moreover, it can annoy you and create a lot of trouble if you have accidentally enabled it.



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