Around 1.8 billion of the US population is using YouTube. And statistics say almost all age groups are equally active on this platform. So having the right presence on YouTube is very important to grow your business. YouTube also allows its users to create a brand account.
In this article, you can learn all the steps to create your brand account on YouTube.

Steps to Create a Brand Account on YouTube
First, one needs to create a YouTube account. It’s effortless to create one if he/she has a Google account. Then the user has to put his/her name, email, and password. Add the required details and accept the terms and conditions, and then click Next. The procedure of creating the account is completed.
Now since you have your YouTube account, click on the upper right-hand side avatar or icon. That will lead you to the next page.
The next page has the options included, dark mode, language, location, settings, data in YouTube, help, and etcetera. Click on the ‘Settings’ option, which will lead you to the next step.
The next page has the option “Create a new channel”, click on it.
Then you have to select a name for your brand name. Try to choose a name that explains your brand and product. Enter the name chosen and click on “Create”. And now, you have successfully created your brand account.
Now to explore it more, click on the ‘Customize channel’ option.
It will lead you to the next page, with options like Home, Video, Playlist, Channels, Discussions, and About.
Click on the ‘About option’. It will take you to the description box.
Add a description of the company, so that your audience can get a clear idea of the service and product you are offering. It is always good to use ‘keywords’, it not only helps to communicate the brand mission clearly but also increases the discoverability.
Also, add the business email address. That will help the audience to communicate with the brand directly hence increasing nurture the relations with the customers. It also makes the brand easily reachable.
Add links to your social media pages. That will help to keep your audience engaged.
Lastly, put a banner of your brand that correctly explains the company, which will attract your target audience.
These are the few steps which will help you to make your brand account on YouTube.
Jackson Henry. I’m a writer living in USA. I am a fan of technology, arts, and reading. I’m also interested in writing and education. You can read my blog with a click on the button above.
Source-Brand Account on YouTube